Heatherlyn’s Weekly LOVEstream Inspiration + Spiritual Nourishment Offering. 6 Songs and 6 Practices of Presence from your Minister of Magic to soothe and enliven your soul, comfort and in-courage your spirit. Every Saturday morning at Youtube.com/HeatherlynMusic. (Also available at Facebook.com/HeatherlynMusic and Twitch.com/HeatherlynMusic )
Each episode will be slightly different but based on HL’s unique flow - LIVE Music interwoven with each of these segments: Inter-spiritual Invocation to Presence, HL’s practices of Storydwelling and Musical Apothecary (may include a short Guided Breath and/or Meditation), Communal Gratitude Practice, Gifts, Support + Patronage Invitation, and each week we close with the encouragement to be Brave in Belovedness and Courageous in Kindness. Invite friends across the miles to join you in the chat!
Check your Time Zone! 9AM Pacific || 10AM Mountain || 11AM Central || 12PM Eastern || 5PM GMT